With the backdrop of a typical Awacpa Wasin (weaver's home) of the Chinchero weavers between 1960 and 1990, weavers from Pitumarco today continue to celebrate the stories and ancestral traditions with the Chinchero Weavers Exhibition at the Center of the Traditional Textiles of Cusco (Centro de Textiles Tradicionales del Cusco.) No automated piece of equipment could ever replace the inherent skills handed down from generations. Interestingly, the uncommon hues of terra cotta, lavender, turquoise, and many other vibrant colors of a unique striped mountain located in the Peruvian Andes, known as Rainbow Mountain of Pitumarco, can be seen throughout the weavers' work. Coincidence?
Saved this one for last. It's a Peruvian Guinea Pig delicacy. I grabbed the following description from a website: "They’re not pigs and they don’t come from Guinea. Peruvians don’t keep them as pets. What they are is a delicious delicacy best served with potatoes and salsa. A traditional Peruvian dish, Guinea pig (called cuy in Peru) has been served whole on special occasions since Inca times." It did have a rich taste of duck, and in fact, they are Peruvian guinea pigs and make great pets due to their friendly, well-tempered, and playful personalities.